Accountability Transforms
the Classroom Experience

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In the best Montessori classrooms, the greatest freedom comes in a perfectly organized and accountable system. By closely tracking student data we create the greatest possible freedom. Then, we make the data transparent, interesting, and available to number-conscious parents, so that they are willing to embark in the adventure alongside their children.

Through c'e Montessori’s tools, school administrators manage their students courses and assignments, teachers follow the analytic tools and the Montessori Method to personalize and assess student activities, and then parents can view and follow their child’s learning experiences.

At c’e Montessori, we focus on closely following students through observation and technology via a proprietary system called c’e. The three-pronged system connects student work, parents, and teachers continuously. Teachers observe student activity and behavior, update the system and parents can access real time reports on how and what their kids are doing.

In the best Montessori classrooms, the greatest freedom comes in a perfectly organized and accountable system. By closely tracking student data we create the greatest possible freedom. Then, we make the data transparent, interesting, and available to number-conscious parents, so that they are willing to embark in the adventure alongside their children.

Through c'e Montessori’s tools, school administrators manage their students courses and assignments, teachers follow the analytic tools and the Montessori Method to personalize and assess student activities, and then parents can view and follow their child’s learning experiences.

At c’e Montessori, we focus on closely following students through observation and technology via a proprietary system called c’e. The three-pronged system connects student work, parents, and teachers continuously. Teachers observe student activity and behavior, update the system and parents can access real time reports on how and what their kids are doing.

Parent Tool:

Parents have access to an up-to-date interactive assessment of their child’s scheduled activities according to the 5 areas of the Montessori preschool curriculum.

Check out a small sample of what we provide our parents to follow along their children’s day-to-day interactions with Montessori Materials and the prepared environment:

Progress Card

Teacher Tool:

Teachers will have a resource to keep an up-to-date record of their student’s scheduled activities and progress through the Montessori Preschool Curriculum that covers the five areas of a prepared classroom. In a traditional Montessori classroom environment, directors and guides work tirelessly to set a schedule that best utilizes everyone’s time. Here, we do it for them and thus free up their time to observe, teach, and guide the children in the use of Montessori materials and through the prepared environment. They have more time to spend on crucial things in early childhood education; whole child development, social and emotional growth, cooperation and normalization, peace education, and creating a positive learning environment.

This is what the accountability resource looks like from a teacher's perspective:

Records by Student

A Dynamic Year-Long School Calendar

A personalized, track-able and transparent accountability system frees students from group schedules and fixed class experiences. Every child’s calendar becomes dynamic and our school year stretches to prevent summer learning loss and allow families to set their own vacation schedules. This prevents summer learning loss and empowers parents to choose vacations and extracurricular camps to complement the classroom instead of filling necessary child care gaps. Since our data is personalized, constantly available and student-specific you are free to tie your family schedules and take time off together.

Independence Reimagined (#letgo)

Finally, our accountability system also allows us to make good on Maria Montessori’s central promise. We are able to truly follow the child by using data to reimagine the classroom experience. Keeping real and transparent data makes us (and you) confident in our environment and in the Montessori Method, it makes independence safe. When we are all well-informed on student progress we are willing to allow for curiosity, discovery, failure, perseverance. Imagine the safe environments where your child first learned to walk, to talk, to paint, to explore – at c'e Montessori that is the kind of environment we create everyday.

Montessori classrooms are transformative environments, but even at their best they have a real record-keeping challenge if they are true to their promise of allowing each and every child to explore their own interests and have their own experiences. By solving this logistic problem, we free teachers, parents and children from their reluctance to let go and thus allow space for learning and growth.

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